Moonwell x100
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Bonus for guilds

We offer a special bonus for guilds that want to move to our server!

It doesn't matter from where. We accept offers from official server and from any privates. All you need to do is register an account and contact us on Discord. Each guild member will be able to activate the "Fast Start" service once for free and get a level 70 character of any class and race ready to play with A2/T5 level equipment, all professions, bags, mount, etc.

  1. Register accounts on our server. Important! Each account must be registered by the person who will play on it.
  2. Contact us via Discord by creating a ticket in the #contact-um section.

Please note: the minimum guild size is 10 players. Fast Start will need to be activated within one week, otherwise it will disappear.

Promotion is valid until April 7th.